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HPCrazy Guitar Academy & Music


Instrumenal guitar and piano music in different genres & my worldwide speciality Farbmusik.


HP's Blog

My personal vlog with philosophic thoughts about music, philosophy and spiritual topics. View behind the scenes of my music, my knowledge about music and the deeper meaning of my work as an artist, creator and astrologer.



Topics related to my music and work related to my guitarist work. Background  information about my thoughts related to my guitar  music, my guitar technique and checking of new sound possibilties.

Piano Music

  • 37 posts

News and background information to my pianist work. This includes normal piano playing in genres such as Blues, Jazz, Boogie Woogie, Filmmusic or others but also getting deeper into the philosopy about my  piano playing  - PIANIST.CH

Farbmusik is my most unique feature in music. I play, compose and improvise music related to colors. These are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. Farbmusik is great for meditation and healing therefore I give deeper insight  and instructions.  - FARBMUSIK.COM

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