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Site Guidelines

1. Members are allowed  to use all features here in the membersection.

2.  After your registration please enter your profile to configure your account the way you like. You can upload profile pictures the way you like in your profile settings. In your account settings you can customize your account.

If you are new to the site we strongly recommend to watch our BEST USE video :

3. To get access to the downloads added in the different topics you need  to upgrade to a Premium Membership. Therefore go to the store. The Premium Blogs are also a feature available for Premium Members. You can cancel or renew your subscription anytime. If you purchased or renewed a premium membership there are no refunds. Please read our instructions here carefully :

4. If you wish to purchase any digital products please visit the store.

5. If you have any questions related to the usage of this member section please contact us.

6. We don't use your data on this website for any purpose. All your data are private and are only viewed if you have a problem with your account and need any assistance. After contacting us with a problem regarding your account, we can view the data of your account. This will be kept confidential. The only marketing tool used is the newsletter which is sent to all members once a month for those who opted in to it. If you want to cancel the newletter you can go to your account here and deactivate it in the newsletter tab.

7. Community Guidelines for the HPCrazy Students or Farbmusik Club : Any member can open any post they want as long as it is around the topics : music, guitar playing, personal life experience, personal music experience, personal guitar experience, selfpromotion or has something to do with the topics you find here. Political topics are not tolerated at all and get deleted. Stay polite and respectful with each other. Any kind of personal attacks will not be tolerated. If somebody breaks the rules you first get 2 warnings. A 3rd strike will result into getting your profile blocked or if you wish terminated - even if you are a premium member. These rules are also valid for your personal blogs. There are no refunds if somebody gets blocked with a premium member account. It's bad enough that this is a topic where rules have to be set these days.

8. Referral Links : Any member or premium member on this website has a personal referral link which can be shared. If these links result in sales on this website then the member gets 10% commission which is added to the personal credit page. That credit can be redeemed to any future purchase on this website. There are no payouts of credits.

Google Analytics tracks the traffic on this website. This is the only 3rd party application which tracks your data. We are using this tool only to get an idea how much traffic is on this website.

If you watch the YouTube video's which are embedded into this website they don't get tracked by YouTube - if you switch to YouTube to watch them then they get tracked according to the guidelines of YouTube.

Social Media Links lead to the social media accounts of this website. You find there use of data and guidelines on there websites.

The internal cookies help you to navigate through this website and they show you which content you already viewed, visited or subscribed to.

If you wish you can view and download your data or you can ask for a termination of your account once you finally leave this website. If you wish to download your data or delete your member account go to your security settings in your account here : https://www.hanspeterkruesi.com/members/settings/account-security/

7. All files which can be downloaded in the member section are the property of HanspeterKruesi.com. They can be used for personal studies or any other personal usage. If you use the files in a professional manner please contact us. Some files are public domain.

Hanspeter Kruesi
Weidstrasse 7
8132 Egg

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