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HPCrazy Guitar Academy & Music

Minor & Major Pentatonic Patterns 1.1.0

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About This File

Here you find all patterns in minor and major pentatonics. The positions are marked with numbers which represent the intervals which are played. As a beginner only focus on learning the position of the 1 which represents the root note. In this case it's the A since the patterns are either in A minor or A major. It is also strongly recommended to learn the pentatonic only on one string. There please also use the 1 as an orientation point.

When you compare the minor with the major pentatonic patterns you might notice that they are the same only the root note has changed. The good news is that once you can play the minor pentatonic patterns you can switch to the major pentatonic patterns just by replacing the root note.

What's New in Version 1.1.0


I have added some technical exercices where, once your are able to play all 5 minor pentatonic patterns, you can go deeper into the topic of connecting the patterns with eachother by doing those exercises. Therefore start with the technical exercises once you finished learning the 5 minor pentatonic patterns and playing it on one string.

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